In fashion photography you get in what you put in! Meaning most concepts we produce as photographers and art directors take days, sometimes weeks of planning. It's important to have the answers ahead of time for the whats, whens, and how's of your project. It leads to a more focused and cohesive project. It's a team effort, and if everyone is working towards the same goal it makes it easier. But every know and then you get lucky and impromptu creativeness takes over and you produce something that just evolves and happens. That's what happened at this shoot! We were actually doing a clean beauty test, then Sara Bindhammer (model) had the great idea of doing a Blue Warrior type idea. Sara is a model that has a love for what she does, so that made it easy for her think of such a great idea. I mean she's the muse and she's the one who has to pull it off right??? Well she definitely did that, and Jenilee Banan (makeup) and Avion Sylvester (Hair) produced a really cohesive look. I guess what I learned from this shoot is sometimes when you just let things happen a really unique and unexpected thing can happen
Photo: Krystal Nicole
Hair: Avion Sylvester
Makeup: Jenilee Banan
Model Sara Bindhammer @ Neal Hamil Agency
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